Abuse of Usenet: The Woodside Literary Agency Ad
This is the first known ad posted by James Leonard in
misc.writing. The phone number has been obscured so that
this web site does not serve as a repository for the ad. Other than
that, the ad is as it appeared in January of 1996.
From: CFSQ98A@prodigy.com (James Leonard)
Date: 1996/01/24
Message-Id: <<4e4ktr$2c02@useneta1.news.prodigy.com>
Distribution: world
Organization: Prodigy Services Company 1-800-PRODIGY
Newsgroups: rec.arts.books.childrens
The Woodside Literary Agency is now accepting new authors, re: fiction
and non fiction: children's books. Advances from publishers can be high.
You must have a completed manuscript. We have offices from New York to
Florida. Email for information: CFSQ98A@prodigy.com. If you respond
during the month of February, call my new Florida agency at:
I will be there in February.