The Case of the Woodside Literary Agency
A collection of related print articles, TV and radio shows on the web

- 18 June 2002 - KVOA TV, Tucson, Arizona; cybercrimes expert trains University of Arizona campus law enforcement, advocates and other personnel; sponsored by the UofA Oasis Center.
- 4 June 2002 - Woman Times newspaper in Korea - Article about cyber rights conference in Seoul where Hitchcock was keynote speaker.
- 7 May 2002 - KNX News Radio High Tech Hour with Bob McCormick
- May 2002 - FYI Online UMUC Instructor Becomes Cyber-Crime Expert—the Hard Way by Wil McLean
- 30 April 2002 -Noble News Nationally-Known Victim Advocate and Expert on Internet Crimes to Provide Keynote Address at Economic Crime Summit
- 07 April 2002 - Indianapolis Star Identity crisis: Thief's use of your Social Security number can create financial havoc. By Abe Aamidor
- 24 February 2002 - WKHY Radio Staying Safe Online Interview with jock Chris James
- 21 February 2002 - The Journal and Courier Speaker: Internet abuse cases escalating by Kevin Cullen
- 21 February 2002 - The Purdue Exponent Security precautions can prevent abuse on Internet by Katie Muehlhausen
- 20 February 2002 - WLFI TV CyberCrimes Expert Comes to Purdue
- 20 February 2002 - The Purdue Exponent Presentation to address internet stalking, crimes by Katie Muehlhausen
- 20 February 2002 - WBAA Radio Live Interview at Purdue University
- 7 February 2002 - WTSP-TV Cyberstalking by Jim Adams of the Minneapolis Star Tribune
- 1 February 2002 - WTSP-TV Cyberstalking Victim Speaks Out
- 29 January 2002 - WXII-TV Cyberstalking Expert in Greensboro
- 28 January 2002 - WGHP-TV Fox News Cyberstalking Expert in Greensboro
- 25 January 2002 - Cyberstalking Expert At WIT Meeting, Greensboro Business Journal
- 07-13 December 2001 - Denver Business Journal Security Security Still An Issue for Web Conference by Amy Bryer
- 04 December 2001 - USA Today Security Is Risky In Online Meetings by Michelle Kessler
- 01 December 2001 - Menace virtuelle, peur réelle by Isabelle Mathieu for
- 19 October 2001 - Star Tribune "Cyberstalking a new reality as Web access gets easier" by Jim Adams
- 16 October 2001 - WNTA Radio in Rockford, Illinois, in-studio guest on "The Chuck Diamond Show"
- 11 September 2001 - Portsmouth Herald "Fighting Virtual Villains" by Michelle Firmbach
- 25 August 2001 - Insider Radio "Cyberstalking" with David Radin
- 19 August 2001 - WWZZ Radio, Arlington, Virginia "Cyberstalking" with John Nolan
- 18 July 2001 - WBAL (Baltimore) "Cyberstalking: A Victim's
Story" by David Collins
- 2 July 2001 - TIME Magazine special report "Internet Insecurity" by
Adam Cohen
- 1 July 2001 - AP article "Cyberstalking Being
Taken Seriously" by David Crary
- 28 June 2001 - Newhouse News Service "Cyberstalking" by Margie
- 28 June 2001 - BiddefordSacoOOB Courier "Maine Cyberstalking Bill"
- 27 June 2001 - The York Weekly "Maine Cyberstalking Bill Signed Into Law"
- Campus Security Repots "Stalking" by
Tom Arterburn
- 20 June 2001 - York County Coast Star article about the signing of the Maine Cyberstalking Bill, which Hitchcock
- 8 June 2001 - Online Tonight Radio Show, a part of
CNET Radio, hosted by
the inimitable David Lawrence.
- 7 June 2001 - 48 Hours repeat of a show that aired a year ago, "Cyberstalker" and
Hitchcock appeared in "An Online Tragedy"
- 23 May 2001 - The Providence Journal "At The Assembly" article about the Rhode Island
Cyberstalking Bill that Hitchcock testified on behalf of. IT PASSED!
- 21 May 2001 - Hitchcock was the featured guest on the Alex Bennett Midday Show
on CNET Radio.
- 09 May 2001 - The Louisiana News Star article "New Technology Brings a New
Danger - So-called E-stalkers" by Sameh Fahmy
- 08 May 2001 - Providence Journal article "Proposal Would Ban Online
- 01 May 2001 - ZDNet Australia
"Cyberstalking Rears Its Head in the Workplace by Bob Sullivan
- 23 April 2001 - MSNBC Special Report "Cyberstalking in the Workplace"
by Bob Sullivan
- March 2001 - Cyberstalking Campus Security
- 14 March 2001 - Cyberstalking Bill Introduced York County Coast Star
- 28 February 2001 - Working to Prevent Online
Stalking - The York Weekly
- 20 February 2001 - The Armstrong Williams Show on Talk
America Radio
- 06 February 2001 - Breaking The Fear in the Village
Voice, by Donna Ladd
- 05 February 2001 - Appearance on The Debra Duncan
Show about stalking
- 19 January 2001 - Appearance on The Montel Williams Show about Cybercrimes
- Winter 2001 Issue of Family Circle's "The Web Made Easy," Page 54 article about
cyberstalking by Bill Holton
- 09 November 2000 Cyberstalking: An Interview With Jayne
Hitchcock by Kristie Thompson, Suite 101
- Confessions of a Cyberstalkee at Aonline, by Farren Ionita
- 01 November 2000 - On Your Side Radio
- November 2000 - Crossing the Line
Online syndicated nationwide as part of the Smart Woman franchise.
- 28 September 2000 - A&E
- 7 September 2000 - MSNBC's "HOME PAGE"
- 17 August 2000
- July/August 2000 Link-UP - "Cyberstalking"
by J.A. Hitchcock
- 12 July 2000 WAVY-TV 11 pm
Newscast, Newport News, Virginia
- 10 July 2000 San Francisco
Chronicle - "Stalkers Find A New Tool The Internet" by Bill Wallace
- 28 June 2000 BodyTalk Magazine -
"Cyberstalkers " by Kerryn Marlow
- June 2000 "Courage Online" by
Donna DeMedicis
- 23 May 2000 NECN - Special about cyberstalking, "A Relentless Enemy -
Part 2"
- 1 May 2000 - "The
Stalked Need A Safety Net" by Katie Deane
- 1 May 2000 - "The
Epidemic of Cyberstalking" by Katie Deane
- 1 May 2000 -
"Cyberstalked? Use Common Sense" by Katie Deane
- 30 March 2000 48 Hours: Cyberstalked
- 26 April 2000 "Cyberstalking Subject of Conference" in the York County Coast Star, Maine,
- 20 April 2000 Cyberstalking segment on WGME-13
Portland, Maine
- 15 March 2000 Webscope: Online Stalking
Affects Offline Lives by Jocelyn Debra Ram
- March 2000 Writer's Digest Marketswatch by Brad
- Week of 6 March 2000 - Hitchcock appeared on EXTRA as a cyberstalking expert/victim
- 02 March 2000 - Hitchcock was interviewed live on the FastBand Global Web site about
- 29 February 2000 - Hitchcock appeared live on the Debra Duncan
Show in Houston, Texas with other cyberstalking victims
- March 2000 Stalkers Online by Andrea Rock in Ladies Home
- 6 February 2000 "Cyberstalkers Appear In Court: Make Bail and Arrested Again" -
- 17 January 2000 US Postal Inspectors Arrest
Woodside Literary Agents For Mail Fraud by Doris Booth, at the Authorlink web site
- 16 January 2000 Marco Island couple sued for
$10 million in Internet cyberstalking harassment suit by Gina Edwards, in the Naples News
- 10 January 2000 "Cyberstalkers Arrested" from Press
- 12 December 1999, "Online Stalkers Corraled,"
by Louise Knotts in the Detroit News
- 15 November 1999 Caught In
The Web by
Mary Spicuzza, Metro News, California
- 06 October 1999, Jayne A. Hitchcock and WHOA Executive Vice President Katherine Griffis
appeared on Inside Edition in a segment about cyberstalking (this
may repeat on Inside Edition Weekend on 10/9-10)
- 30 September 1999 on New England Cable News: "NH
- 29 September 1999 on CNN Headline News
"Congress urged to strengthen anti-stalking laws, include Internet"
- 29 September 1999 on
ABC News "Stalked in Cyberspace: Woman Tells Congress Horrors of 'Cyberstalking'"
- 27 July 1999 "Harassment on the
Net" by Julie Macken for
- 28 June 1999 Online Today personal netcast
with segment about Jayne Hitchcock getting NH Cyberstalking law passed
- 25 June 1999 "NH Makes Cyberstalking A Crime" segment on New England Cable News
- 2 June 1999
CyberCrime: Know The Risks - A Real Life Case on ZD Net
- 21 May 1999 "N.H. may beef
penalties against Internet misdeeds" by Garry Rayno in Foster's Daily Democrat
- Internet
Spamhaven, fiction by Chris Meadows
- 30 April 1999, Computoredge article "Fighting Cyberstalking" by Skip Press
- 12 March 1999, Hitchcock appeared on "Good
Morning, America" in a segment about cyberstalking with news correspondent Don
- 26 February 1999 article in the New York Times, "Judge
Makes Literary Agency Reimburse Angry Clients" by Pamela Mendels
- 18 February 1999 article on the Wired magazine site, "Stranger Than
- 1 November 1998 article in Washington Post: Cracking
Down on Email Harassment by Brooke A. Masters
- 25 June 1998 article at the Authorlink Web Site July Hearing Set In Fraud Case
Against Woodside
- 19 May 1998 Village Voice article Vanity Fare by Jonathon
- 21 May 1998 article in The Baltimore Sun New MD Law Will Ban Harassment By E-Mail by Michael
- What
Makes Women (Double) Click? by Michael Novi
- April 1998 Hitchcock appeared in a segment on the CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation)
documentary series WITNESS about privacy issues. Soon to air in the USA.
- 22 April 1998 in Newsday Make Laws Tougher
on Cyber-Crime by Luke Reiter
- 17 March 1998 online issue of The London Daily Mail newspaper Hidden Dangers of the Internet by
Andrew Brown
- 19 February 1998 issue of the Washington Times Author's
real-life story is cyberspace nightmare by Virginia McCord
- 2 February 1998 edition of Capital News Service article about House Bill 140
- January 1998 issue of Bytes in Brief
- 25 January 1998 issue of Tek
- 2 December 1997 article, NY Attorney General Sues
Online "Literary Agent" by Malcolm MacLachlan in TechWeb News.
- New York Times/Cybertimes Queens Company Bilked Writers on Internet, State Suit Says 27
November 1997 by David W. Chen (paper and online)
- YAHOO! Internet Life's Net Stoppers - Foil A
Harasser November 1997 by Charles Pappas (paper and online magazine)
- Law Enforcement
Tries to Catch Up With Online Stalkers 27 October 1997 Business Journal of San Jose
(California) by Jessica Lloyd-Rogers
- "The Spotlight/Junk Email" featured Internet Posse member and well-known author Jack Mingo on New Media News 10 October 1997.
- The Indian Express Web Site, Meanies on the Web by
Sivanti Ninan
- The April 1997 issue of Internet World magazine Personal Privacy article by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
- Updated articles in 20 March 97 issues of Dallas Observer and Houston Press by Jack
- Column in Newsday, Sunday March 2, 1997 issue Life
in Cyberspace: Ensnared in a Web of Harassment by Matthew McAllester.
- Computer Bits 28 February 1997 issue Caught In The Web/Hunting
An Internet Stalker by Jack Mingo
- CNET radio feature with Jayne Hitchcock and Lynda Hinkle of W.H.O.A., of 25 February
1997 "Your Turn: Have You Been Harassed Online?" by Rose Aquilar
- Column from the City Paper (Baltimore, MD), February 19, 1997 Calling Delegate Rosenberg's Hand by
Joab Jackson
- The Boston Phoenix, February 13, 1997 issue (print and internet editions) Caught In The Net by Jack Mingo
- Cover story from
the Phoenix New Times by Jack Mingo
- Article from the Annapolis (MD) Capital newspaper of 14 Jan
97 by Brad Peniston
- Article from the Washington Post of 16 January 1997 by Amy
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